Monday, July 28, 2008

A Letter from Japan

Dear Ms. Jo Haygood,

Thank you very much for your e-mail! I’ve been always longing to hear from Vigan!

I’m half way on my research on Vigan’s heritage conservation. Last week, we had a discussion among the professors at Waseda University concerning the problems that Vigan is facing. One of them told me what Vigan is most concerned about are: 1/ ancestral houses have become too much business-like modified that some of them have lost their authentic look; 2/ more rich businessmen from outside (mostly from Manila) are coming to invest in Vigan that local people somehow have to move out or lose many benefits to those people; and 3/ the growing gap between the rich and poor in the city. I wonder if these things are true and there is nothing better than hearing it from a city planner like you! I’ve never been to Vigan (yet I hope I will soon), therefore, what I have seen or known about Vigan are merely from internet sources or other people’s stories. I wish I could truly understand the people from Vigan historic center, who and what they are, what they think about their heritage and what problems they have to face everyday.

I have checked out your website and really like it. I hope I can get more insights of Vigan from your future writing. If you don’t mind, I wonder if I can have some small discussions with you regarding Vigan cultural heritage in the next emails?

Thank you so much for time. I wish you all the best and look forwards to further discussion with you.

Kind regards,



Quach Thu Ha (Ms.)

Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies

Waseda University

Tokyo, JAPAN

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